Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Faithful & gas masks

I can't believe I almost forgot Faithful! He seems to be our cleaning guy. He's a tiny older Asian man; I don't think he's got any teeth left. He looks Tibetan or something but that's purely a guess. So when he smiles, which is every second of the day, his little cheeks scrunch up and his eyes go all smiley. We saw him in the lobby the other day and Jason asked him if he ever gets a day off. He said that Sunday is his day off.
Jason introduced us and the the little guys says "I call myself Faithful." I don't know if he has a name that's too hard to say or if that's just what he wants to be called. Jason said "You always seem so happy!" Faithful said "This is what I want to do!"
He sweeps and mops and takes care of this fun house and that's what he wants to do. No wonder he's always so happy.

The next day....
We were getting some more loads of stuff from storage. Because it's never ending. (Almost done though.)
There was a big truck outside and some folks in dark clothes at the end of our hall with one of the night managers. I didn't really put the two together until I saw 2 large men come out the front wearing vests with POLICE on the front. They were also wearing gas masks.
They didn't seem to be, like, in a rush or terribly concerned about anything so....I guess that's fine?
When Jason saw them on our floor he asked if everything was ok and they said everything was good. But we didn't get any additional info. They later came back up with a big box of equipment or something.
I feel like if there was a meth lab or a body or something then there would be more people around than the two police with an unmarked truck. I know nothing else. But I did meet the other manager that I hadn't met yet. Jason wasn't with me so I told her he was my fiance and describing him went as such: My fiance's name is Jason. He's got tattoos on his face....well he's ONE of the guys with tattoos on his face....he's the NEWEST guy with tattoos on his face.
"Ooh, ok. The newest guy."
He's not the only one now. But he's the prettiest.

Today is also our 2 week move-iversary. It hasn't been dull. 

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